How to Configure an Web Application Gateway listener for encryption

You have configured SSL for the connection between Azure Cloud Application Gateway and the servers in the backend pool. For the shipping portal, you need full end-to-end encryption. To do this, you’ll also need to encrypt the messages that the client sends to Application Gateway.

Last updated: Feb 12, 2023

Create a frontend port

Application Gateway receives requests through one or more ports. If you’re communicating with the gateway over HTTPS, you should configure an SSL port. Traditionally, HTTPS uses port 443. Use the az network application-gateway frontend-port create command to create a new frontend port. The following example shows how to create a frontend port for port 443:


az network application-gateway frontend-port create \
--resource-group <resource group name> \
--gateway-name <application gateway name> \
--name <port name> \
--port 443


Configure a listener

A listener waits for incoming traffic to the gateway on a specified frontend port. This traffic is then routed to a server in the backend pool. If the frontend port uses SSL, you need to indicate the certificate to use for decrypting incoming messages. The certificate includes the private key.

You can add the certificate by using the az network application-gateway ssl-cert create command. The certificate file should be in PFX format. Because this file contains the private key, it will also likely be password protected. You provide the password in the cert-password argument, as shown in the following example.

az network application-gateway ssl-cert create \
--resource-group <resource group name> \
--gateway-name <application gateway name> \
--name <ssl certificate name> \
--cert-file <SSL certificate file (PFX)> \
--cert-password <password for certificate file>

You can then create the listener that receives requests from the frontend port and decrypts them by using this certificate. Use the az network application-gateway http-listener create command.

az network application-gateway http-listener create \
--resource-group <resource group name> \
--gateway-name <application gateway name> \
--name <listener name> \
--frontend-port <frontend port name> \
--ssl-cert <ssl certificate name>

Define a rule to send HTTPS requests to the servers

The final step is to create a rule that directs the messages received through the listener to the servers in the backend pool. The messages received from the frontend port are decrypted through the SSL certificate specified for the listener. You need to re-encrypt these messages by using the client-side certificate for the servers in the backend pool. You define this information in the rule.

The following example shows how to use the az network application-gateway rule create command to create a rule that connects a listener to a backend pool. The --http-settings parameter specified the HTTP settings that reference the client-side certificate for the servers. You created these settings in the previous blog post.


az network application-gateway rule create \
--resource-group <resource group name> \
--gateway-name <application gateway name> \
--name <rule name> \
--address-pool <backend pool> \
--http-listener <listener name> \
--http-settings <HTTPS settings name> \
--rule-type Basic


You should now have complete end-to-end encryption for messages routed through Application Gateway. Clients use the SSL certificate for Application Gateway to send messages. Web Application Gateway decrypts these messages by using this SSL certificate, and then re-encrypts the messages by using the certificate for the servers in the backend pool.